BVHS welcomes new board member

The Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) Board of Trustees has appointed Kirby Overton, Ed.D., dean of the College of Business, University of Findlay, as its newest trustee. In addition to her service as a member of the board, Dr. Overton will also serve as a member of the BVHS Compliance and Audit Committee.

The Board also reappointed Joseph Longo as a voting member of the board and elected him to serve as vice chair. Ginger Jones will continue to serve as board chair. Other members comprising the Executive Committee include Myron D. Lewis, president; Jeffery Shrader, treasurer; James PF Dowling, MD, secretary; Beth Kroetz, at-large member; and William Hopkins, MD, at-large member.  

Board members Michael Brough, Dan Kennard, Beth Kroetz, Richard Polder, MD, and Jeffery Shrader were re-elected to serve another three-year term on the board.

Dr. Overton earned a Bachelor of Science in Business in 2006, her MBA in 2008, and Ed.D. in 2018, all from the University of Findlay. Prior to serving as dean of the College of Business, she held a teaching and coaching position at UF. She has also served as associate head coach for cross country and track & field at Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan), as an adjunct instructor for various institutions, and has worked in the athletic department at Central State University (Wilberforce, Ohio). 


Dr. Overton began her career serving as a career consultant and job coach for people with disabilities at Capabilities. She also does consulting work through Clearview Consulting Solutions, LLC, and runs her own small business, EB3: Every Body, Body Butter LLC.


Joseph Longo, Founder of Velosio, has been reappointed to the Board after serving a year in a non-voting capacity because of term limitations. Mr. Longo has served in multiple capacities within BVHS governance since 2005. In addition to his Board and Executive Committee membership, Longo will also serve as a member of the BVHS Finance Committee during the current term. 

After serving as a member of BVHS governance since 2011, Trustee Kim Stumpp has retired from the BVHS Board. During her tenure, she was elected to officer positions, including secretary, vice chair, chair, and most recently, immediate past chair. Stumpp served on the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, and the Governance and Nominating Committee. Although her service as a Trustee has ended, Stumpp will continue to serve as a member of the Finance Committee. 

Trustee Richard B. States, D.H.Sc., dean of the College of Health Professions, University of Findlay, has also retired from Board service. Dr. States began his service on the BVHS Board in 2019. During his tenure, he also served on the Quality Committee and Compliance and Audit Committee.

“We are pleased to welcome these new members to the Blanchard Valley Health System Board of Trustees,” said Myron D. Lewis, president and chief executive officer of BVHS. “The organization will greatly benefit from their expertise and guidance.”

Lewis also thanked the two outgoing board members for giving generously of their time, energy, and leadership to further the mission of BVHS and improve the health of the community.

“Both Kim Stumpp and Dr. Richard States have made significant contributions to BVHS,” Lewis said. “We are sincerely grateful for their service, and their continuing commitment to BVHS and the community. The organization is stronger for their dedication and passion.”

To learn more about Blanchard Valley Health System and the services the organization offers to the region, please visit 

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