BVHS streamlines financial assistance application

Provided by Blanchard Valley Health System

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) financial services associates are available to answer any questions or concerns regarding billing statements, including information about financial assistance that might be available.

The process of applying for financial assistance was recently simplified for the patient. BVHS has partnered with healthcare technology company Breez Health to streamline the application process.

Patients can now visit the BVHS website to apply and upload documents, which will then be sent to the Patient Financial Services (PFS) team.

“I’m excited about its simplicity,” said Brittney Larsen, credit and collections manager with PFS. “In the past, patients had to enter information manually, which was more time-consuming. This makes the process of applying for financial assistance much easier.”

Based on income guidelines, PFS associates can determine if the patient qualifies for Medicaid. If not, they may be eligible for assistance programs offered by BVHS.

Additionally, PFS associates can provide information about available financial assistance and payment plan options. 

To apply for financial assistance, please visit

If you have questions about a bill, please call 419-423-5310.

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