Excerpts from January 2025 Bluffton Lions Club news

All-Inclusive Playground capital campaign detailed


  • February 4: Club meeting – Town Hall – 6:30 PM Board to meet at 6:00 PM
  • Induction of new members. District Governor, Sue Davis, will be the speaker.
  • February 13: NorthWest Eye Care Foundation meet by Zoom.
  • February 18 : Club meeting – Town Hall – Noon. 50/50 charity raffle draw. Induction of new members. Lunch sandwiches available. Speaker will be Kathryn “Ryn” Farmer, Deputy Director, Crime Victim Services.

January Charity Raffle:

  • $100 Lauren Averesch ticket sold by Lion Greg Averesch
  • $50 Elizabeth Bourassa ticket sold by Lion Mark Bourassa
  • $30 Luke Denecker ticket sold by Lion Greg Denecker
  • $20 Swiss Community Historical Society ticket donated by Lion Ed Yeager


Board Report:

Donation sent to Ohio Lions Eye Research for $100.

Report from the Bluffton High School Leo Club: Submitted information for a charter of 36 members.

Projects being developed and committees established. Separate checking account to be set up.

All-Inclusive Playground is the program for January 7 meeting with power-point presentation and introduction of the project.

Resignations submitted were Bob Stahl, Bob Amstutz and Tim Closson.

January 7 Meeting:

This meeting was set to introduce the club members to the new All-Inclusive Playground plans. The goal of raising $300,000 to purchase the playground equipment has been set by the Board. We are hoping that 100% of our club members will partner together to help raise these funds. We are currently accepting donations and pledges through two years at Bluffton Lions Foundation a 501 (c)(3) organization. These can be mailed to Bluffton Lions Club, P.O. Box 223, Bluffton, OH 45817.

2024-2025 Officers & Board Members:

President-Jackie Bourassa; V. Pres-John Rich; V. Pres- Dwain Hall; V. Pres-Greg Denecker;

Secretary-Barbara Plaugher; Treasurer-Ed Yeager; Lion Tamer-Mark Bourassa; Tail Twister-Dennis Morrison; Board Members: 1 yr.-Tracy Steele; 1 yr.- John Hochstetler; 2 yr.- Mark Bourassa; 2 yr.-Jerry Szabo. Editor-Barbara Plaugher



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