Village of Bluffton snow safety reminders

Bluffton Public Works Dept. takes pride in providing our residents with safe streets even in the most trying of winter conditions. It is our goal to be prepared and in front of all snow events. The Department has well-trained, experienced employees that understand the importance of Public Safety for both our residents and emergency vehicles. Please note the following to Help Us Help You!

1. First and foremost, pull your cars in your driveway. When 2” or more of snow is on the ground or expected to fall, pull your cars in the driveway.

  • If a Snow Emergency has been declared, and you must park on the street, the Snow Emergency Parking Rules will be in effect. Our Police Dept. much prefers compliance over enforcement, but please understand we will enforce the law.
  • Parking during a Snow Emergency:
    • On even-numbered calendar days, park on the side of the street that has even-numbered building addresses and
    • On odd-numbered calendar days, park on the side of the street with odd-numbered building addresses
  • All vehicles parked in Village owned parking lots shall be moved at 24 hour intervals until snow is cleaned up. The Police Department may cause any vehicle to be towed that is not in compliance at the owner’s expense.


2. Do not shovel or blow snow into public streets. This not only defeats the purpose of our snow plowing, it causes unsafe conditions for all drivers and makes subsequent snow removal efforts difficult.

  • We ask all residents when clearing your driveway and walks, place the snow in your yard or in the tree lawn, not the street.
  • Depositing snow on the street simply adds more to your drive after the next plowing cycle. Patience and cooperation during the snow removal season is a benefit to all.

3. Remove snow from sidewalks and hydrants.

  • If you live in a portion of the Village with sidewalks, please remove snow and ice from your sidewalk within a timely manner (24 hours after snowfall stops). It is the responsibility of every owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person having charge of any building or lot of property in the Village abutting upon any public way or public place to remove the snow and ice from the sidewalk in front of said building or lot of property.
  • Clear snow and ice away from fire hydrants located on or near your property. Keeping hydrants clear will help save valuable time, should a fire emergency occur in your neighborhood.

4. Blocked Driveways.

  • We know it is frustrating to shovel your driveway and then have the plow come by and push snow back at the base. However, to clear the road, all snowplows angle the same way – to the driver’s right. When going by they cannot avoid pushing the snow in front of a driveway.
  • The homeowner is responsible for access to his driveway. As you prepare to clear your driveway, keep in mind that the snowplow will likely return and push snow and ice back up onto your driveway. Most likely AFTER you have shoveled your driveway. Having to shovel the driveway a second time after the snowplow passes can be frustrating.

There are ways to prevent this:

  • Either, clear an area before your driveway large enough for the snow coming off the blade to be deposited. We realize this may duplicate your efforts, but it is unavoidable as we make roads safe for travel. Shoveling your snow to the right-hand side (as you look out to the street) may prevent most of your work being "plowed in".
  • Or, the only way to avoid extra shoveling is to wait until Village crews have completed their final clean up on the street.

5. If possible, stay off the road. As much as possible, please avoid driving or parking on the road during heavy snowstorms. Our primary purpose is to clear streets for emergency vehicles. The less traffic our drivers encounter, the faster and more efficiently they can clear the streets. If you must be out, please use extreme caution. Many motorists drive too fast for conditions or try to stop too quickly. Drive slowly and watch at intersections. Turn on your headlights when precipitation starts. Do not follow our plows too closely. State law requires that you stay at least 200 feet behind a working snowplow. When following a snowplow, make sure that you can see the driver’s mirrors, so the driver is able to see you. Use extreme caution in passing our plowing and salting equipment.

  • We encourage all residents to please assist your elderly neighbors with snow removal tasks whenever possible.
  • Please remind children playing in the snow or building snow forts, snowmen, etc., to stay away from the street.