43rd Annual Pond Fish Sale by Allen Soil & Water

Order deadline is March 31

By Casey Heilman Allen SWCD District Administrator  

Since 1982 the Allen Soil and Water Conservation District has been offering pond and lake owners the opportunity to stock their water conveniently and cheaply. 

Stocking your pond is a great way to ensure a healthy food chain between plants, fish and other life. A healthy pond requires healthy fish to help keep a more balanced  ecosystem. Not only do these fish help keep the pesky insect population down, but by  eating the excess nutrients that aquatic plants give off, they are also working to keep water clear and balanced.  READ MORE

The Black Crappie, a favorite among ice fishermen, is new to this year's sale. Also  being offered are Yellow Perch, Largemouth Bass, Red Ear Shellcrackers, Bluegill,  Channel Catfish, Japanese Koi, Hybrid Bluegill, Fathead Minnows, and White Amur.  In addition to fish, there is also pond conditioner, fish food, and a book on pond management available for purchase. Fish descriptions HERE.

Fish can be ordered online through PayPal or a traditional order form. The links to PayPal and the form can be found at www.allenswcd.com or by contacting the  AllenSWCD office at 419-222-0846. Please note that an additional service fee is  associated with ordering fish online.  

The fish will be delivered to the Allen County Fairgrounds on Tuesday, April 8th, in  an aerated tank truck between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm. All fish are live and must be  picked up in person during the pick-up times. Those purchasing fish will need to  bring their own containers lined with a clean, non-scented garbage bag that are filled  with fresh pond water from their own pond.  

Once the fish are placed in the bags, they will be tied shut and injected with oxygen  for those traveling longer distances. This will ensure that the fish will be in good  condition when released into the pond. Those purchasing fish should plan to  transport them directly to the pond without delay after pick-up.  

Fish must be picked up the day of delivery or your order will be canceled. There  are no refunds for unclaimed fish. 

For more information, please contact Casey at 419-222-0846 X 1002  or [email protected].