Richland Twp. Zoning Board to hear interstate sign appeal

A public hearing is scheduled for March 26 at 7:00 p.m. by the Richland Township zoning appeals board to be held at 8435 N. Dixie Hwy. Bluffton.

Contiguous property owners bordering the intersection of Lincoln Highway & Reppert Rd. and interested general public are invited to attend. An informational meeting will be held prior to the hearing; this hearing will be held at the office of Richland Township at the address stated above on March 26, 2025 AT 7:00 p.m.

Race Trac would like to increase allowed square footage of high rise interstate sign to 850 square feet. Increase allowed overall height of high rise interstate sign to 100. Race Trac is requesting to match height and size of similar signs at the Lincoln Highway / I-75 interchange.