AEP Ohio mailer includes disconnect procedure announcement

An AEP Ohio postcard is in the mail to Bluffton electricity customers. Titled "Important News About Your Smart Meter" it also includes information about a new disconnection policy. It reads:

"We are reminding customers about important information regarding your new smart meter. Your smart meter comes with many benefits. It eliminates estimated bills, provides information to our crews to improve response times to outages, and it gives you the power to view and manage your energy usage on-line at

"At the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio's direction, we are notifying all customers of a new disconnect procedure. If electric service is disconnected due to nonpayment, service will be remotely disconnected and no physical notice will be left at the service address.

"We will provide advanced notice of disconnection as follows:

  A written disconnect notice in the account holder's monthly bill

  A notification 10 days prior to disconnection

  An automated phone and/or written notification 48 hours prior to disconnection

"Please make sure we have your correct contact information, including phone number. Check online at: or call our Customer Solutions Center at 1-800-672-2231."