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If you thought February was colder and snowier than how your grandfather remembers winters, you are correct. According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, February 2010 will go down in the history book of weather as being one to forget.

The normal average temperature for February in our community is 27.3 degrees. This year's average February temperature was 24.6 degrees. The highest temperature reading of the month was 38 degrees on Feb. 21 and 28. The low was -2 on Feb. 8.

Ryan Lowry is the website developer for the Bluffton Icon and offers technological tips for Bluffton Icon viewers.

One of the greatest features of online news is the ability to share information and ideas with others. In order to expand on this feature, The Icon has been testing out different methods of user comments. At first, we allowed anyone to comment freely. Unfortunately, we began to get bombarded with spam and had to disable comments.

Tsedey Biru at home in Ethiopia

Bluffton's international flavor is one of this community's best-kept secrets. This is the first in a series of features on Bluffton University international students. The writer is Jessanna Buschur, first-year Bluffton student, a broadcast and journalism major. Bluffton alumni from the 1970s, may know her parents, Bob and Jenelle (Roth) Buschur.

Tsedey Biru
From Ethiopia
Senior at Bluffton University
Biology and chemistry major

2-28-10 Mark Bourassa's Olympic pin collection

An Olympic collection

Mark Bourassa may not hold an Olympic medal, but his Olympic pin collection is exceptional. Bourassa shows one of the books of his pin collection, which covers several decades. Click here to view other pins in his collection. To read about his collection click here.

A special meeting will be held by the Bluffton Public Library Board of Trustees at the library on Tuesday, March 2 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss a technology grant.

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

One of the more prominent items in Mark Bourassa's office is a framed poster announcing the 1986 Olympics in Amsterdam. If you're an Olympics historian, you might remember that Amsterdam lost the bid for those games to Barcelona, making the "bid poster" something of a collectible.
