All Bluffton Icon News

Weather report for January 2010

Date Maximum Minimum Precip.

1 25 12 0.6

2 19 7 0.3

3 19 -2

4 25 14 0.12

5 22 18 0.02

6 22 18

Scores bowled on: Jan.9
Boys High Game

Danny Setzer 126
Kaden Reneker 115
Brayton Businger 109
Hunter Foltz 106

Girls High Game
Ashley Sickles 155
Ashley Sickles 114
Megan Davis 106
Molly McCracken 103

1-14-10 A horse in winter


A black horse on a winter run stands out in the brightness of the white winter landscape. The horse was in a field on the north side of Augsburger Road near the Tim and Dawn King farm.


This plate was seen in the Rosenberger Drive parking lot at Bluffton University. On first glance doesn't it appear to state "Amish"? or is that our own imagination. We do not know the real meaning of the plate.

(From Barbara and Arliss Plaugher in Haiti)

Note: This message was sent to several persons in Bluffton, including The Icon, and to St. John's United Church of Christ members.

I called American Airlines and we are still scheduled to fly Friday and Saturday, if the tower at the PAP airport is up.

Bluffton Icon:

Carol and I happened to find the Bluffton Icon through Dean Neiswander's obit. It's very interesting and we come back to it almost daily to get updated Bluffton information. Best of luck in your endeaver!

Dave and Carol Speicher

[email protected]
