Area businesses and organizations are invited to decorate wreaths representing them to display in the Bluffton Public Library's annual Holiday Wreath Festival. Wreaths will be displayed in the library from Dec. 1-31.
Entry forms are available at the circulation desk, and should be completed at the time of wreath delivery. Wreaths may be brought to the library during regular hours beginning Monday, Nov. 30.
Bluffton Child Development Center pre-kindergarten student Tessah Kitchen shares a recent art work she created with Icon viewers. She is the daughter of Meghan Adams and Shannon Kitchen.
Bluffton council accepted the retirement resignation of its fire chief, Dan Bowden on Nov. 23. (See the feature story on Bowden elsewhere on this page).
Bowden's replacement will be Bluffton-native Jon Kinn. The new chief is a 1993 Bluffton High School graduate and is employed by Chiles-Laman Funeral Home.
He has served on the fire department for eight years. The most recent two years he was a department captain. Before that he was a department lieutenant, also for two years. He and his wife, Mandy, live at 716 S. Main St.