Here is Bluffton High School's 1st qtr. honor roll: 9th Grade - all A:
Julie Althaus, Aaron Basinger, Jessica Brockert, Anna Crisp, Adam Crow, Michael Deter, Kyle Huber, Karli Leugers, Jonathan Nisly, Justin Paul, McKenna Reneker, Nathan Risner, Rachel Sehlhorst, Emily Sprague
What year did you graduate from Bluffton High School?
Share some of your favorite memories of growing up in Bluffton -- favorite teachers, stories about school and/or extra-curricular stuff.
There are so many, I would say some of my early favorite memories were hanging out with Sarah and Heidi Thomsen at the creek across from our house and playing all sorts of imagination games - we had quite the active imaginations.
My wife and our two sons had the opportunity this summer to interview Frank Buckles at his home near Charles Town, W.V. Mr. Buckles lives on the extreme eastern panhandle of West Virginia, and at age 108, is the last known U. S. veteran of World War I.
A friend and I developed this recipe a few years before Kim and Pete Suter opened Common Grounds.
It was too expensive to drive to Findlay every time we wanted a coffee drink, so we started looking through the kitchen cupboards and experimenting.
The ratios changed from time to time, but this was the mixture that worked the best.