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The Bluffton Council will hold a regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 25. The 35-page packet is attached HERE.

Two ordinances are scheduled to be read:
- To vacate 15-foot sanitary easyment in Parkiew of Bluffton
- To vacate a protion of Thurman Street and a portion of an abutting alley

The packet includes
- A preliminary voucher report of September 25
- A Tree Commission report including Riley Creek Village tree removal and planting, and notes on recommended plantings for a proposed dog park near the Bluffton Arboretum.
- Minutes of the September 13 Personnel-Finance-Safety committee meeting. regarding retaining and recruiting employees including Police and Public Works.
- Minutes from the Sept. 20 Streets committee meeting including SR 103 update, sidewalk connectivity, maintenance and ADA compliance.
- An application for special event permit for the Blaze of Lights parade on Saturday, November 25.

Bluffton University students who participated in short-term cross-cultural experiences last spring will speak during Forum at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 3, in Yoder Recital Hall. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Students will share about experiences including a Civil Rights tour of key southern sites; a tour of Holocaust sites in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic; a medical service experience in Ecuador and a service experience in Kentucky/Appalachia with Mennonite Central Committee’s SWAP (Sharing with Appalachian People) program.

The Bluffton PTO is hosting a bake sale on September 25 as part of the Elementary School Open House, beginning at 5:00 p.m.

To follow the organization, visit

Citizens National Bank (CNB) has named Brandt Miller as Senior Vice President/Bluffton Market President. In addition to being a Commercial/Ag lender, Brandt will also oversee the profitability of the market, be responsible for growing loan and deposit totals and monitor market trends. Darrel Buroker, Chief Lending Officer, states, “We’re happy to have Brandt lead the team in our Bluffton office.  His lending experience, in addition to his local connections in the region, are true assets to the bank.”

By Virginia A. Hostetler for AMBS

ELKHART, Indiana (Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary)—J. Denny Weaver, PhD, of Madison, Wisconsin; Martha Smith Good, DMin, of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada; and Peter Stucky, MDiv, of Bogotá, Colombia are the 2023 recipients of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary’s (AMBS) Alumni Ministry and Service Recognition. 

By Fred Steiner

­Imagine a mysterious Bluffton location partially under water. Stand near the entrance to Steinmetz Field. Turn toward Harmon Field. Take about a dozen steps toward the creek.

There you will discover the remnants of a dam. That dam backed up the creek, but not anymore. Instead, it simply creates a mysterious Bluffton location.

Today the dam is just an impediment in the stream. However, on the Harmon Field side of the stream stand the remains of a very well-constructed flagstone wall. The wall on the Steinmetz Field side lost its battle with nature years ago.

Why is there a dam? Why a flagstone wall? Who built these structures and when?

By our definition, Bluffton’s places of mystery involve unexplained human-constructed features on our otherwise familiar landscape. They exist today like the statues of Easter Island.

This partially underwater site fits our list.
