COLUMBUS–Fall sports practices and the golf regular-season officially get underway on Monday, July 31, for member schools of the Ohio High School Athletic Association.
This week, football teams are permitted to conduct their five acclimatization days, which include two days in helmets, two days in helmets and shoulder pads, and one day in full pads with no contact. When a student-athlete has completed the five-day acclimatization period, then full contact is permitted.
- Golf: Regular-Season Begins July 31. Sectional Tournaments Begin Sept. 25.
- Girls Tennis: Regular-Season Begins Aug. 4. Sectional Tournaments Begin Oct. 2.
- Cross Country: Regular-Season Begins Aug. 21. District Tournaments Are Oct. 21.
- Soccer: Regular-Season Begins Aug. 11. Sectional Tournaments Begin Oct. 16.
- Girls Volleyball: Regular-Season Begins Aug. 18. Sectional Tournaments Begin Oct. 16.
- Football: Regular-Season Begins Aug. 14 (first Friday is Aug. 18). Regional Playoffs Begin Oct. 27.
Complete OHSAA 2023-24 Calendars:
Student-athletes and coaches are reminded to take precautions in hot and humid weather. The greater the humidity, the more difficult it is for the body to cool itself. The air should be tested prior to a practice or competition using a wet bulb, globe, temperature index (WBGT index), which is based on the combined effects of air temperature, relative humidity, radiant heat and air movement.