All Bluffton Icon News

Chad Grieser

Chad Grieser will become the branch manager of the Bluffton Chase office on Sept. 16. Grieser, a native of Jenera, has worked in the Bluffton branch for 2 1/2 years. Prior to being named branch manager was a personal banker.

Grieser is an Arlington High School graduate. He has attending Bowling Green State University. He and his wife, Ashley, live in Findlay with their two children, Ethan, 10, and Ellie, 8.

Bluffton University will host Game Day @ Bluffton Saturday, Sept. 3, when the Beavers meet Kalamazoo College in their football home opener at 2 p.m. at Salzman Stadium. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children; children under 5 are admitted free.

Before the game, a picnic-style lunch will be available in a tent at the stadium from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost is $6.

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The new commenting system makes it easy for any user to comment on a story, or for other users to reply, like, or subscribe to comments via email. The new commenting system is a step forward in providing an easier and more enjoyable experience for our viewers.

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Several interesting events are scheduled for September at Maple Crest. Icon viewers may now view the September calendar. It is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Up close and personal

Icon viewer Dawn King took this hummingbird photo yesterday. This is a real award-winner.

The Village Cut & Curl, Cherry Street, now has feather hair extensions in many colors. Lynda Best invites persons to call 419-358-7593 or stop into the shop for more information. The Village Cut & Curl is an Icon advertiser.
