Bluffton Mayor Fred Rodabaugh, in civil war garb, greets persons attending the opening ceremonies of the sesquicentennial June 25 at the town hall. Click for a video.
The Swiss Community Historical Society shares its traditional, Sunday, June 26, Swiss Day schedule this year with the Old Settler's Potluck & Reunion organized by the Bluffton Sesquicentennial.
Both groups are invited to bring food and attend the noon potluck meal at 12:30 p.m. at Ebenezer Mennonite Church, as well as the afternoon program time.
The Bluffton Sesquicentennial Planning Committee developed a plan for a potluck and get-together of descendants of the early settlers of the Bluffton area on June 26 at Ebenezer Church.
"O God Our Help in Ages Past, Our Hope for Years to Come," is the theme of the Bluffton community worship service, held in conjunction with the sesquicentennial celebration on Sunday, June 26, at 9 a.m. on the Bluffton Presbyterian Church lawn.
Through prayer and praise, Scripture readings, confession, and vignettes by representatives of the historic faith traditions in Bluffton, the community will be invited to give thanks for God's blessings of the past 150 years, even as we look forward to the future.
The classic design of a 1950s-era Detroit-made hood ornament shines on Bluffton's Main Street. The Bluffton Lions Festival of Wheels launched Bluffton's sesquicentennial. Click for video.
Although the party is already underway, the official opening of Bluffton's sesquicentennial is Saturday morning, June 25. Ceremonies are planned in front of the town hall starting at 10:45 a.m. and continuing until mid-afternoon.
Main Street will be blocked off during this event. The programs are open to the public. Chairs will be provided, but residents are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs to enjoy the day if they wish.
The following events will take place in front of the town hall: