The public has a rare chance to visit the beautifully restored Breidenbaugh Schoolhouse on, Sunday, June 26 from 4-6 p.m. The open house will be at schoolhouse on the corner of Road 6 and Road M6, near Pandora.
A Girl Scout Troop from Bluffton has been meeting throughout June to learn pioneer survival skills, and they will be sharing the songs, games and activities they have learned with other children or adults who stop by.
Imagine this: As the Bluffton sesquicentennial launches, one Main Street retirement signals the end of that family's 125-year involvement on Main Street. Okay, in this case it's Cherry Street, but who's looking.
Is it three or four generations? We'll report back to you soon.
We aren't naming any names, but an open house from 1 to 4 p.m., Friday, June 24, at Family Dollar will reveal all you need to know.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Jenera, will hold a silent auction during this weekend's Relay for Life at the Bluffton University football stadium. Over 90 items are in the auction. The auction takes place from 4 p.m. to 10 minutes after the conclusion of the fireworks (approximately 10:30 p.m.)
For a list of auction items open the attachment at the bottom of this story.
Model Railroader, the premier magazine for model railroaders, features a one-time Bluffton landmark in its July issue.
The featured landmark is the former Bluffton Woodcock power plant. The plant once stood on the site of John's Body Shop on Lake Street. The building was razed in the early 1980s.
Here's a nearly forgotten Bluffton landmark, the former Woodcock power plant. The building is featured in this month's issue of Model Railroader. Click for details.