All Bluffton Icon News

150th committee

Bluffton's sesquicentennial committee is putting on finishing touches of the June 24-July 2 event. Bev Amstutz chairs the committee, which met last night.

Village Cut & Curl, 212 Cherry St., is expanding its services and now offer manicures.

"We offer regular manicures, hot oil manicures and paraffin dip manicures," Lynda Best told The Icon.

Call 419-358-7593 for a appointment or stop by and sign up for a chance to win a free manicure.

American flags are on the graves of 638 veterans in the Bluffton, Beaverdam and Richland Township cemeteries during the Memorial Day season, according to John Wagner of the Bluffton American Legion Post 382. That count is seven higher than last year.

Bike and walking trails are becoming more and more popular in northwestern Ohio. Area trails range from as short as 4 miles all the way to 76 miles in length. Thanks to the continuing efforts of the Bluffton Bike and Pedestrian Pathway Board, Bluffton may soon join the list of communities boasting these recreational gems.

Background for Bluffton's project

Bluffton's vision for a bike and walking trail is relatively new. The committee's goal is simple, yet ambitious: Encircle Bluffton with a pedestrian and bike pathway.

Due to the Monday, May 30, holiday, recycling and refuse pick up is one day late this week. That means that Friday customers will have their recycling and refuse picked up on Saturday, June 4, according to the village office.

The next time recycling and refuse pick up will be one day delayed will be the week of Fourth of July.


Here's a "non-police" photo of William "Kaiser" Gaiffe. Paul Diller took a series of about 15 black and white portraits of Bluffton businessmen in the early 1950s. Gaiffe, who was eventually Bluffton's police chief, was owner of the Cloverleaf Market when this was taken. The store was on Vine Street in what is today the Richard Boehr offices.
