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Bluffton Hospital construction update for the week of June 28 has been announced.

Contractors will be laying block foundation and plumbing for the new surgery area near the corner of Garau and Harmon Road.

The fine grade of the new parking lot at Harmon Road and Kibler Street will be completed.

Weather permitting, concrete pour may begin for the new Harmon Road/Kibler Street parking lot later this week. This will make some areas of the Harmon Road parking lot unavailable.

The SHANNON Service Club is the provider for the Thursday, July 1, community meal held at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. Serving is from 6 to 6:45 p.m.

The menu includes lasagne, salad, bread and cake and ice cream. The community meals are sponsored by the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association. The meals are open to the public and are free of charge. Monetary donations go to the Bluffton Community Assistance Program's food pantry.


Today's Bluffton Hospital began as the Bluffton Sanatorium. The house was located on the northeast corner of Main and College, where the Bluffton Public Library stands today. In this colorized post card from 1908 Dr. J.J. Sutter stands on the sanatorium steps.

Joan Swank of Van Wert will soon be driving a Corvette, after her ticket will picked in the Bluffton Hometown Amerifest Corvette raffle drawing on Saturday.

Bluffton Lions Foundation President, Dick Ramseyer, will present the Corvette keys to Joan Swank on Monday, June 28, at 3 p.m. The keys will be handed off at Bud's Chevrolet-Buick, St. Marys.

Ka boom, kaboom! - Fireworks photo by Jamie Nygaard

Fireworks photo by Jamie Nygaard.
