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We spotted this plate at the Mennonite Memorial Home-McDonald's Easter egg hunt on March 27. It belongs to the only Nygaard family in Bluffton who we know - Christian and Jamie.

Belles & Beaux
Scores bowled on: Mar.21
Men's High Game

Austin Loper 278
Nick Burden 257
Nick Burden 257
Bill Goodwin 247

Women's High Game

Cathy Bugner 227
Cathy Bugner 211
June Orr 203
Ruth Everett 202

Spring cleaning can take on new meaning in Bluffton if it includes parting with adult career wear that's still in quality condition.

Clothes fitting that description-if not their current owner's waist or taste-can find a new home through the free, annual clothing swap sponsored in April by Bluffton University's Fashion and Interiors Association (FIA).

Crystal Osborne

Crystal L. Osborne of Bluffton was named branch manager and vice president, Chase, Bluffton, in late February. Osborne joined Chase in March 2000. She has previous experience as a teller, sales and service, personal banker, mortgage lender, assistant vice president and now vice president.

Prior to her Bluffton appointment, she was a member of the Chase staff in Wapakoneta. She and her husband, Chad, live in Ethan Circle. They are parents of Casey, 5, who attends Bluffton Child Pre-School.


Once upon a time, this was the entrance to Science Hall at Bluffton College. Although it wasn't very handicapped accessible, it was constructed on a grand scale.

Today Centennial Hall sits where the steps once led students and faculty to class.

At this time this photo was taken (it is a postcard), three sets of doors opened to the steps. Those have since been closed in a remodeling of the building.

Taking time to talk at Bluffton University~Ac^a'not^a"cs ~Ac^a'notA"Beyond Borders~Ac^a'not^A

The national conversation on immigration is stopped in its tracks by all the shouting and inflammatory rhetoric about the issue, Dr. M. Daniel Carroll Rodas told a Bluffton University audience March 19. But if people, particularly those of faith, start the conversation in a different place, the tone is different, too, he said.
