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Blanchard Valley Health System

Blanchard Valley Health System to host virtual presentation

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) will host “Managing Menopause: Understanding the Different Stages of Menopause” virtual presentation, a part of the 2021 virtual “Live and Learn” Facebook Live series.

Red, White and Ah-choo? Not this Year

Steer clear of asthma and allergy triggers this summer.

With the summer around the corner, loads of people get out and enjoy the outdoor fun. You and your family have big summer plans: fireworks, picnics and swimming. Now you just need to make sure that no one ends up red (itchy rashes), white (a box full of tissues), or blue (coughing or an asthma attack) for the wrong reasons. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared, so allergies and asthma don’t overshadow the festivities.

Migraine Headaches

Headaches are a phenomenon with which most everyone is familiar, and their causes and severity span the spectrum. June is national headache month, and according to the World Health Organization, almost half of adults worldwide have suffered from a headache at least once in the past year. 


Headaches are characterized by consistent, recurring pain in the head and can range from a dull ache to a migraine. 


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

PRP is the abbreviation for platelet rich plasma. PRP is obtained from one’s own blood and injected into other areas of the body to trigger a “healing” process. Platelets are cells in our blood that are part of the clotting and healing process of our body. During the healing process, platelets organize and create mild inflammation. During inflammation, platelets release enzymes that attract stem cells and growth factors. This is done to help repair damaged tissue.

5 tips for people with allergies considering the COVID-19 vaccine

People with medication allergies or a history of allergic reactions are often wary of trying new medications or vaccines. When initial reports of reaction to COVID-19 vaccines came out, experts gathered to determine how to best counsel patients with a history of allergies regarding weighing the risk versus benefits of the vaccine. Current Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for people with a history of allergic reaction to vaccines or injectable medications is to consider a consultation with an Allergist/Immunologist prior to vaccination.

BVHS updates covid-19 guidelines

As COVID-19 guidelines change, Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) will continue to work in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) while providing healthcare services to the community.

“Masks will still be required at all BVHS locations until further notice,” said Roxanne Williams, MSN, RN, CHC, CPHQ, director of corporate quality, associate and patient safety.
