By Bryson Hartzler

The Bluffton University track and field program ended their season this weekend at the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference Outdoor Track and Field championships held on the campus of Manchester University.

The Beavers finished the day in 7th place on the women’s side with only 10 women and 8th place on the men’s side with 17 men competing. The Beavers also set two new school records on the day.

Bluffton University will offer six summer mathematics workshops—five of them new this year—for teachers of elementary through high school students.

The 25th annual workshops, hosted by adjunct faculty member Duane Bollenbacher, are all three-day sessions, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. Each workshop may be taken for 22.5 contact hours of Local Professional Development Committee credit, at a cost of $125, or, on a pass/fail basis, for one semester hour of graduate workshop credit, for $275. Lunches are included; other meals and housing are available.


Bluffton University recognized many of its top students for their academic achievements at the annual Academic Awards and Honors Forum on April 23.

Introduced as distinguished scholars in their respective academic areas were 31 seniors. In addition, Thomas Gingrich, a football player from Goshen, Ind., and Maryam Teka of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, were honored for having the highest scholastic records among senior athletes and international students, respectively.

Donald Isaac Jr. has a radio show syndicated on 17 stations and affiliated websites worldwide — and he’s still in college.

The Bluffton University junior’s work on his show, “The Chillout Sessions,” and as program director at campus radio station WBWH, helped earn him the Antelle Haithcock Humanitarian Scholarship at the recent Community Enrichment Dinner in Lima.

The Walter C. Potts Entrepreneur Center awards the $500 scholarship, which goes to a local student pursuing a career in broadcasting, journalism or music.


Kerry Bush, daughter of Perry and Elysia Bush of Bluffton, is participating in a cross-cultural experience in Bolivia, May 7-25. She and other Bluffton University students will be visiting development projects of Mennonite Central Committee and interacting with schools, an orphanage and a day care center. Students will spend several days in the Andes Mountains in La Paz, the capital city.

Bush is a senior at Bluffton, where she is majoring in graphic design.  She is a graduate of Bluffton High School.
