
Drive Time Driving Instruction is now part of a pilot program

Mom is riding with her teenage student-driver son. She sees brake lights ahead. Her son continues to accelerate. She gasps. Grabs the ‘on crap’ handle. Son rolls his eyes. “I’ve got this, Mom.”

This is a common occurrence when in the car with a new driver. Is Mom being overly cautious? Is son being too aggressive? Maybe a little bit of both?

Several new “Help Wanted” advertisements are now listed on Bluffton and Ada Icons. Check Icon Classified Ad pages at:

New opening are added to this list daily. Businesses interested in listing positions available should contact [email protected].

Bluffton Icon advertiser, Cindy Luginbuhl, an R+F independent consultant, announced that she now has a Facebook page for the convenience of her customers.

Click here for here Facebook.
Persons may also contact her from her website page by clicking here
You may also contact here by phone at 419-236-3934 or by email at: [email protected]



And, here's an update of our former resident, now in North Carolina

Ben Kruse, formerly of Bluffton and now of Cary, North Carolina, is the winner of the Bluffton Icon Golden Globe contest. He made seven correct selections and one correct tie breaker.

He wins a 1-item, 12-inch Padrone's Pizza, which he wants the Icon to give to Nancy Schweingruber (we will follow his instructions - rather than driving the pizza to North Carolina).

The Golden Globe contest had 25 entries.

It's worth noting who is running the store on Bluffton's Main Street

You’d never know it, but once upon a time it was called the Bluffton Business Men’s Association.

The title changed over the years and today, it’s not your grandfather, dad, brother or uncle running the downtown store. It’s your grandmother, mother, sister or aunt.

The Icon recognizes International Women’s Day, today, March 8, and the leadership roles of women in Bluffton, on Main Street and in other communty leadership roles. 

From Always Right Driving School

Always Right Driving School, 205  N. High St., Columbus Grove, announces a driver’s education class planned on six consecutive Sundays except for Easter Sunday, according to Kay Ruen.

Classes are held at the Putnam County Educational Service Center, 124 Putnam Parkway, Ottawa.

Classes are held from noon through 4:10 p.m. on the following schedule:
March 21
March 28
No class Easter – April 4
April 11
April 18
April 25
May 2
