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Introducing our newest columnist: Social media for the new user

Music streaming

By Derek Swartzlander
How do you listen to your music?
  • Do you have a large stack of CDs?
  • How about a crate of old records?
  • Maybe you even have a dusty collection of 8-tracks or an iPod full of mp3 files.

These are what you probably think of when you want to listen to music, however, one of the fastest growing formats for music is streaming.

Streaming is the use of a computer, cell phone, or other technology to have music (or other media, such as movies) delivered to your device.


Forgotten Bluffton: Do you live on RR 1 or RR 2?

The story of rural mail delivery outside Bluffton

Does RR 1 or RR 2 mean anything to you? How about initials RFD?

Those last three initials stand for “rural free delivery.” And, prior to 1901 there was no rural delivery available of any type for persons living outside of the Bluffton village.

Here’s the story, of how rural free delivery arrived in Bluffton and the eventual creation of RR 1 and RR 2, Bluffton – what are those anyway? 

 Much of the details are from “The Town at the Fork of the Riley’s.”


Why vaccine screening questions?

Review the prevaccination checklist that is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

By Karen Kier
ONU HealthWise Pharmacy

As COVID-19 vaccine becomes available and more people are eligible, it might be a good idea to review the prevaccination checklist that is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 


About climate change

Numbers that everyone deserves to know

By Amelia Alexander
Climate change is an issue that needs to be addressed with alacrity.

We need honest debate about climate change to yield the best result for everyone. The best way to do this is to use science and facts.

I have faith in humanity. I believe that when people know better, they do better. It is the fault of many politicians and media that we are not exposed to the facts about climate change.


Abraham and Marianna Ramseier Zurflug

Our Swiss connection - part 11

This is the 11th installment in this series. Click here for the previous installment.


Icon book review: Talking to Strangers

A look at miscommunication

Review by Robert McCool
“Talking to Strangers” is a look at miscommunication.

Malcom Gladwell's 2019 nonfiction book is a look at how communication fails when there are no common expectations between strangers in the language they use.

“Talking to Strangers” (Hachette Book Group, ISBN978-0-316-47852-6) presents cases where spoken language is subverted by non-verbal cues that can be misconstrued by the observer to mean something other than what they are meant to be.

