The following is a sample of the content of "Blufton Anthology - A creek runs through it." Pre-sale discounted copies are now available for $19.95 plus tax.
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"The 1950s were dangerous times for kids growing up in Bluffton. We grew up in homes and went to school in buildings painted with lead paint and floors covered with asbestos tiles." - Rudi Steiner


Is one of these Swiss-German surnames in your family tree? Althaus, Amstutz, Badertscher, Basinger, Bucher, Diller, Geiger, Habegger, Hilty, Lugibihl, Matter, Moser, Neuenschwander, Schultz, Schumacher, Sommer, Stauffer, Steiner, Sutter or Zurflugh

Is there a Swiss-German surname in your family?

For example: Althaus, Amstutz, Badertscher, Basinger, Bucher, Diller, Geiger, Habegger, Hilty, Lugibihl, Matter, Moser, Neuenschwander, Schultz, Schumacher, Sommer, Stauffer, Steiner, Sutter or Zurflugh?

If so, the Icon's new feature will interest you. Here's some background:

You'll find it along Riley Creek on Thurman Street

What is the oldest structure in the village of Bluffton? And, what was its use?

The structure could pre-date Shannon, meaning it was here when the very first settlers called this area Croghan in the 1830s.

The structure is on the Riley Creek bank at the bend of Thurman Street, across from the EMS building.  

It is the remains of a lime kiln and ashery used in making soap.

Hard to give anything Springsteen does five stars when compared to his earlier catalogue of classics, but this is darn close

Reviewed by Craig Hoffman
Letter to You is Bruce Springsteen’s twentieth studio album. It is his first record with the E Street Band since High Hopes in 2014. Bruce Sprinsteen is an American singer and songwriter, and leader of the E Street Band. 

This book is a perfect example of tension building within a desperate plot

Review by Robert McCool
 In Sanctuary the tension builds toward the breaking point.

"My intention is to help people learn about my generation and our perspective regarding current events and major world issues"

FROM ADA ICON - Note: The Icon introduces a new, twice a month column by an Ada High School student. This is our new columnist's initial column.

My name is Amelia Alexander. I am 15 years old. I was born and raised here in Ada, where I attend school. I adore reading, writing, and learning. I write poetry for my own pleasure in my spare time. 

When I’m not writing, I’m running, playing volleyball or tennis, or spending time with friends and family. I’m a member of book club, Ada Mental Health Alliance, and language club, all of which I have joined through school.  
