Downtown merchants are hosting the 2023 Chocolate Walk from 4:00-7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 16. Twelve Bluffton merchants are participating in the event, which provides chocolate treats to ticket holders.
On Tues., Feb. 16 at 6:30 p.m., the Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District will offer Intro To Nature Journaling at the McElroy Environmental Education Center (2355 Ada Rd. Lima, OH).
Nature journaling is a great way to be present in nature, appreciate and record it. Consisting of sketches, paintings, notes, and descriptions, nature journaling offers an opportunity to try to capture a moment and recall observations that otherwise would be forgotten. This session will offer a brief introduction and some tools to get you started. Register by Feb. 14 by calling 419-221-1232 or go to to register. Limited materials available for a $10 fee.
At 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8, folks interested in creating a Bluffton history organization and museum will be meeting on the third floor of Town Hall, 154 N. Main. Coordinator Dan Groman is sending out reminders including:
- Come with some ideas of names for this organization
- Think about helping as an officer
- Bring ideas on chartering and getting established
Please forward this invitation to anyone else that is interested in creating a Bluffton area historical society and museum.
The Bluffton Senior Center newsletter and calendar for February 2023 outlines the many activities available for members of the nonprofit center located at 132 N. Main St.
This week, the center hosts a Community Meal at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 2. Next Monday at noon, members are invited to a noon potluck with Brocolli Soup as the entree.