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Health Services

Weekend Doctor: Chronic Wasting Disease in deer

By Christian Steiner, MD, Psychiatric Center of Northwest Ohio

There’s a pandemic. This one is specific to deer and, subsequently, should be of interest to deer hunters. It is called chronic wasting disease. Chronic wasting disease is similar to Mad Cow disease, as it is caused by a prion. 


A conversation with BVHS CMO Renee Smith

Dr. Renee Smith, the new Chief Medical Officer (CMO) at Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS)--which includes Bluffton Hospital, met with the Bluffton Icon for a meet and greet over the phone


Monthly COVID-19 case numbers reaches 3rd highest rate to date

Allen County Public Health Department issued the following statement providing guidance for area residents: 


Omicron variant

By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Omicron is the fifteenth letter in the Greek alphabet. In astronomy, omicron designates the fifteenth star in a constellation group. The constellation Andromeda includes the star Omicron Andromedae that is approximately 692 light-years from Earth.

In 1662, astronomer Johannes Hevelius renamed the star Mira because it acted like no other star.  Mira in Latin is translated as wonderful or astonishing. Mira is predicted to be visible at its maximum brightness again on July 16, 2022.


Weekend Doctor: Involuntary leakage

By Erica Hermiller, APRN-CNP

Do you leak urine when you laugh, cough or sneeze? Do you have an uncontrollable urge to void and leak urine on the way to the restroom? These are symptoms of urinary incontinence that many women experience. Even though some women may believe these symptoms are a normal part of aging, the reality is, symptoms can be treated.


About Healthwise childrens' COVID vaccination appointments

Ohio Northern University’s HealthWise Pharmacy, 511 W Lincoln Ave, Ada, reminds families that they need to make an appointment for COVID-19 vaccinations on campus for children ages 5-11.

Parents can sign up their child to receive the Pfizer pediatric COVID vaccine by going to 

If you do not see available appointments, please check back the next day. Appointments are posted two weeks ahead of time.

