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Dietary supplements for COVID-19? Not so fast

Dietary supplements are not proven to combat COVID-19, new review says

This column is provided by ONU HealthWise Pharmacy.
 Despite what many celebrities and other unproven sources may say, dietary supplements are not a proven way to combat COVID-19.

That's according to a new review that looked at claims surrounding dietary supplements and COVID-19.

The authors of the article also pointed out that pharmacists can play an essential role in fighting potentially harmful misinformation about the coronavirus.


Covid-19 treatments update

Everything you need to know about the available Covid-19 treatments

This column is provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.
As coronavirus cases continue to increase, the search for an effective treatment also continues.

Many potential COVID-19 medications have made the news over the last several months. Recently, for example, remdesivir was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients with severe illness.

However, the data for remdesivir is mixed. And not all hospitals can get this medication.


Summer poison prevention tips

How to avoid common summertime poison hazards

This column is provided by the Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

 When the summertime heat is on, it's time to get outside, enjoy time with family and have fun. To keep your family safe this summer, check out these summer poison prevention tips.


COVID-19 Vaccine

Moderna issues early information about its potential coronavirus vaccine

This column is provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

With the coronavirus pandemic raging on, several pharmaceutical companies are in the race to produce a vaccine, including the company Moderna.

And early information suggests that the Massachusetts biotechnology company is on track to get a COVID-19 vaccine to market.

Over the last several months, the company said it has taken steps to get its vaccine, mRNA-1273, studied.


Non-contact thermometers

What You Need to Know

This article provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

As businesses and individuals have begun taking extra precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic, non-contact thermometers have become more common. Here's what you need to know about these devices.

Because the coronavirus can be spread through contact with others, many health care facilities and businesses have begun screening for symptoms using methods that cause as little contact as possible.


Coronavirus and your pet

Here's what you need to know

This article provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.
Many people are concerned about how COVID-19 might affect their pets. Here's what you need to know.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set out to answer questions about how coronavirus affects your furry friends. The information is limited at this time, but the risk of pets spreading the virus in people is thought to be low.

