
As many gather for Thanksgiving celebrations with family and friends, the American Red Cross urges donors to shake up their holiday traditions and plan a time to give blood or platelets in the coming weeks.

Blood and platelet donations tend to drop more than 20% during holiday weeks, including the days around Thanksgiving. Seasonal illness and the threat of winter weather can add more concern during a time of year that is traditionally hard on the nation’s blood supply.

COLUMBUS – Ohio Department of Insurance director Judith L. French is cautioning the more than 2.5 million Ohioans on Medicare to be on alert for scams attempting to steal their personal information during the current Medicare open enrollment period, which runs through Dec. 7. 

Consumers should watch for fake Medicare communications seeking personal information or money in exchange for any of the following: to help with enrollment, to schedule health services, to sign up for a Part D prescription drug plan or Medicare health plan coverage, or to provide a new Medicare card.

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

The Moody Blues was a rhythm and blues band formed in 1964 in England. Later, the band was known for its fusion of rock with classical music. An example of this fusion was with their hit song “Nights in White Satin.”

By Katie Prater and Megan Breier, student pharmacists
With Karen Kier, pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Mind over matter is a phrase defined by the Cambridge English Dictionary as “the power of the mind to control and influence the body”. If you are a fan of A.A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh, you might know the song Mind Over Matter from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The song is sung to Pooh when he gets stuck in the door and Christopher Robin and friends are trying to convince Pooh to use his mind over his body.  

The Allen County Health Department has issued this reminder:

Ohio law limits what and where you can open burn. Open burning can release many kinds of toxic fumes.

A text alerts network has been established in Ohio for early warnings about overdose surges and deadly batches of drugs in Northwest Ohio. 

For example, on November 4, three overdoses in 24 hours were reported in Hancock County.

Text “SOAR” to 419-670-7627 to receive Overdose Surge and Deadly Batch Alerts when there is a spike in overdoses or dangerous drugs are found in your area.
