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Historical Bluffton

Original Methodist parsonage being dismantled - 1915

This is among a collection of Bluffton photos that are extremely rare.

This shows the dismatling of the original parsonage of what is today the First United Methodist Church at the corner of Church Street and Jackson.

The house was built in 1874 at a cost of $2,000. The building to the left of the house is the original brick Methodist Episcopal Church. It was constructed in 1873 and razed in 1915 to make way for a larger building, which stands today.

The current church building takes up the space everything in this photo.

A very early Bluffton business card

Readers of the Icon's Maple Grove ghost story will find this business card (we're showing the front and back) of interest.

It's the card of M.M. "Dode" Murray who was one of the Murray quadruplets - the only ones ever born in Bluffton. Here are three, at the time known as the Murray tripletts. Lloyd, the fourth brother died at birth.

The Murray tripletts were nicknamed Med, Hod and Dode. M.M., in the business card, was mayor of Bluffton from 1918 to 1922. He was also for a time, Bluffton postmaster.

Turn of an earlier century photo of Columbus Grove

You've stopped at this corner at Columbus Grove countless times. But, did you know that the building here was once the Opera House Block? We know that thanks to the message on the top of the post card.

BHS band with first-ever uniforms

Bluffton High School's marching band history goes at 90 school years. The first band, according to the Bluffton High School yearbook, was organized in 1925-26.

Here's the band in 1930-31, wearing the first-ever uniforms of the band.  This band placed second in the Northwestern Ohio Instrumental Eisteddof held at Ada.

Band competing at that event were Bowling Green, Ada, Fostoria, Lima Central and Bluffton. Fostoria's band won the contest.

The band members are identified by instrument they play, not in their standing order. Sidney Hauenstein directed the band.

102 college years ago - here are the Bluffton College Student Volunteers

This very interesting Bluffton photo needs some background.

Taken in the 1914-15 school year, this Bluffton College student group called themselves “Student Volunteers.” It turns out that members of this group intended to enter the Christian mission field upon graduating from college.

Here’s who they are and some of their family connections to Bluffton today:

Top from left, H.W. Berky (faculty advisor), Floyd Pannabecker, Lloyd Pannabecker and Walter Niswander.

Scene from 1961 centennial pageant

Here's a photograph from the 1961 Bluffton centennial community pageant. This scene represents the Methodist Church and the first Methodist family in Shannon. From left are Evelyn Steiner, Rev. James Kuhn (seated), James Szabo and Barb Eastman. The pageant was in Founders Hall.
