Watching students cross Main St. at College Ave. after school on a windy 27 degree day in January is educational. Several aren’t wearing coats or even long pants. But most press the crosswalk beacon button and use the crosswalk--however, the flashes rarely sync with my camera.
Most drivers stop for these pedestrians, but northbound traffic is much slower to brake. Some drivers that need to cross Main put the pedal to the medal to do so.
Have you been part of discussions about the need for improved safety measures at the intersection of Main St. and College Ave.? Since a January 10 crash involving a young pedestrian, some residents have voiced strong opinions online and at a January 23 Bluffton council meeting.
In December 2022, a Bluffton Icon reader inquired about an accident that had occurred on Bentley Rd. near Bixel in mid-November. He had picked up pieces from a vehicle in his field and seen utility pole damage–so he was surprised that no local news outlets had reported the incident.
The Icon’s inquiries at that time yielded no information. Recently, we have become more familiar with the Ohio Department of Public Safety crash statistics services, which include the opportunity to search for reports by county.
The Ada Icon and Bluffton Icon are now closed on federal holidays. On Monday, January 16, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the office will be closed and our content will be on pause except for breaking news.
Please continue to send your news, letters and advertising information 24/7 to [email protected].