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Iconoclast View

Ruth Naylor: My story on killing and dressing a chicken

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Ruth Naylor writes: 

This vivid memory illustrates quite well how times have changed since the early Fifties.

Miss Edna Ramseyer, Bluffton College professor,  required all members of the Foods Class to KILL, dress, and cook a chicken. At home, we raised chickens and marketed them (fresh dressed, cut-up or whole) every weekend.


David Rempel Smucker: "We had been out in the country setting off firecrackers"

For more information about "Bluffton Anthology" click here.

Written by David Rempel Smucker: "One memorable teenage experience pertained to a July 4 night, when a group of us were celebrating in a car. We had been out in the country setting off firecrackers and decided to drive through Bluffton to the country on the other side of town.


Clarence Kooker: "When I started teaching in 1951-52 there were 41 students in my classroom"

For more information about "Bluffton Anthology" click here.

"I started teaching in Bluffton schools in 1951-52. I taught fourth grade and in my first class there were 41 children. The room I had in the old grade school had only windows in the back. With 41 children, the room was crammed full. The rest rooms were in the basement.


My 45-minute Zoom session with Old Man Bluffton

Told me he wasn't coming to town this year because of covid-19 • ˙He asked me if the Democrats in Bluffton were going to demand a Nov. 3 recount

Old Man Bluffton Zoomed in with me the other night. He was wearing a Bluffton University sweatshirt.


Are you going to reschedule the solar eclipse party?

For more information about "Bluffton Anthology" click here.

"On Aug. 17, 2017, the Bluffton Public Library held a “Great American Solar Eclipse” watch party.

"We passed out special sunglasses for people to watch the eclipse. Dozens of patrons participated in this one-in-a-lifetime event on the library lawn.


Do you have any idea how exotic this place is?

For more information about "Bluffton Anthology" click here.

Do you have any idea how exotic this place is, my friend from California demanded?

I suppose I do, I answered in the Ohio fashion, meaning Tell me more, meaning Convince me, meaning No much surprises us.

The back yards all garden and grass, too hot or cold to inhabit most of the year.

