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The crowns of Bluffton

In case you're wondering, here's a close up of the crowns of Bluffton High School. Jamie Nygaard captured them on Friday before all the hub-bub.


It's Queen Leah and King Kaleb

Leah Conley was named 2017 Bluffton High School homecoming queen and Kaleb Jefferson was named king.

The announcement was made in a pre-game ceremony Friday night on Harmon Field.

Other seniors on the homecoming court are Allison Wise and Sydney Hoff and Christian Groman and Dakota Bricker.


Introducing this year's BHS homecoming court

King and queen announced Friday night


Meet this year’s Bluffton High School homecoming court. These students will be in the homecoming parade Friday night and will be introduced in a pre-game ceremony on the football field. The king and queen will be announced at that time.



From a tiny sunflower seed

It's amazing how much things grow over one summer. Here's a perfect example.

On the final day of the 2016-17 school year each sixth grader in Sue Epp’s science class received a small gift from their teacher.

Mrs. Epp gave each student a small sunflower seed in a Dixie cup.

The Icon’s obtained photos of three sunflower photos from class members– taken on the first day of the 2017-18 school year, and we share those with viewers.

Photos show Abbie Lemley (top), Isaiah Mikesell (center)  and Gavin Kruse (bottom).


You are looking at the oldest surviving Bluffton graffiti

The Icon keeps an eye out for Bluffton oddities. This one is certainly in our top 10.

You'll find this cement fence post on the corner of Phillips Road and Lincoln Highway. The top of the post reads: "Sept. 1 1912." It was written in the post before the cement hardened. There's even an artistic design above the date.

The person who wrote the date on the post is unknown.

To make it more interesting, this could be the oldest existing graffiti - we are stretching the definition here - related to the entire Lincoln Highway. The highway was conceived in 1912.


Nestled on a bend in the Upper Iowa River

Here's some photos of our vacation in Bluffton, Iowa

Ever visited Bluffton, Iowa 52101?

We have. And we have photos and a couple tee-shirts from Randy’s Campgrounds in Bluffton to prove it.

Earlier in this summer we settled on a vacation week in early September.

Where to take it?

First choice: St. Petersburg, Florida - where Mary spent her sophomore year in high school, while her father, Richard Pannabecker, was on a Bluffton College teaching sabbatical.

Second choice: Key West, Florida. We wanted to see why Hemmingway liked it.

