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Iconoclast View

Ada caboose renovation underway

Soon, the caboose in Ada Railroad Park will be back to its original color of deep red.

TJ Painting is finishing the exterior painting, having repainted the inside earlier. The 1941 Pennsy rail car was placed in the park in 1989.

Over the years, it faded to a rusty pink. The caboose is a main attraction in the park and photographed quite often.

The lettering will be applied in the near future. Pennsy caboose #477779 will look as good as new. (Monty Siekerman photo)


It's only a "strawberry moon"

The first time in decades that a full moon ("Strawberry Moon") has appeared on the summer solstice as seen here Monday evening.

The next such event?  2062.  (USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, and other news services) Ken Collins, Ada Icon photographer, took this photo in Ada.


There's a shuffleboard court waiting for you - here's your chance to learn the game

You've watched the shuffleboard matches at the Buckeye Park courts. Here's your invitation to learn the game.

On Saturday, July 2, and July 9, at 1 p.m at Buckeye Park, the Bluffton Shuffleboard Club will host clinics for anyone interested in learning how to play shuffleboard.  

Clinic instructors are Steve Slaughterbeck and Jim Zink. Some of the topics to be covered include basic strategy, court preparation, shooting form and game rules.

The club encourages everyone to come and join in the fun.


Saturday's Spectrum Salon cut-a-thon aids Bluffton Samaritan Women's Group

PHOTO: Jason Bracy gets a trim from Morgan Mills

Spectrum Salon, 442 N. Main St., Bluffton, holds its first-ever cut-a-thon, and you are invited to participate, according to Mandy Kinn, owner.

From 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday, June 18, Spectrum Salon stylists donate their time to cut hair with proceeds going to the Bluffton Good Samaritan Women’s Group.

There are no appointments connected to the cut-a-thon. It’s a first-time, first-served event. In addition to the fund-raiser aspect of Saturday, patrons will get a chance to win some door prizes.


Three deer crossing the road...and off they go

The Icon slowed down for these three deer as they crossed the Tom Fett Road near Rockport Road in the middle of the afternoon last week.



How to succeed in Bluffton by really trying - address to Bluffton chamber


How to succeed in Bluffton by really trying
Address presented by Fred Steiner
to the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce on May 13, 2016

For the next 20 minutes let’s focus on:
 “How to succeed in Bluffton by really trying.”

