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Icon will disable "Comment" opportunities next week - all comments will become "Letters to the Editor"

Icon viewers:

Next week, The Icon will disable its "Comment" option on its stories for the time being. Viewers are welcome to make comments by emailing them to:

[email protected]

All e-mailed comments will be posted under "Letters." All letters must be signed by the writer. The Icon will also post the writer's hometown. When a hometown is not provided, The Icon will insert (hometown not provided by the writer) under the writer's name.


Here's what we shared with an Ohio Magazine photographer

Josh Bickel, a photographer for Ohio Magazine, wanted to see the sights of Bluffton.

So, naturally, we took him to the clock tower of the town hall. Bickel was in Bluffton last Friday taking photos of Bluffton University campus and the village for an upcoming feature on Bluffton University. 

Watch for the September issue of Ohio Magazine. You can't miss the Bluffton University spread.


Shannon Cemetery Commission: A group of citizens who will do the right thing

The Icon applauds Mayor Augsburger’s selection of members to the newly established Shannon Cemetery Commission.

All are members of the village of Bluffton, as this commission should be.


Stan Schneck's mark on Pandora will remain for a long, long time

By Fred Steiner
We all know Stan Schneck was “Mr. Pandora.”

There’s more to that title than you might think. Stan's older brother, Don, passed the title on  to Stan, and Stan carried it well.

Don and Stan’s father, Clarence, then might as well be considered the Father of two Mr. Pandora’s. In an earlier generation, Clarence was an important heartbeat of the Pandora community.

Stan was about as Swiss as you could get – having a Schneck father and a Burkhalter mother and holding a life-long St. John Mennonite membership.


Your assignment: Taste 25 different pies and pick three winners

A chocolate pecan pie won this year's Relay for Life pie-baking contest. 

Judges were: Jeff Stratton from Citizens National Bank, and Michael Donley, Bluffton Family Recreation sports coordinator and office manager. Their assignment covered 25 delicious homemade pies.  


June rainfall reached 10.24 inches; normal is 4.15 inches

Exactly how much rain did we receive in June?

According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer: "A lot." The June 2015 weather summery follows:

June 2015 rainfall: 10.24 inches
Normal June average: 4.15 inches

Maximum June temperature: 89 on June 11
Minimum June temperature: 46 on June 2

Average June temperature: 69.6 degrees
Normal average June temperature: 69.4 degrees

Normal Avg. Temp

Normal Avg. Prec

Max Temp
on the 11th

Min Temp
on the 2nd

