
Earlier this month she blew out 105 birthday candles

Frances Scoles became a competent first-base player very quickly.  As the only girl for eight years at Owens School in Richland Township, she had to play, or be left to fend for herself at recess.  Turning 105 on Aug. 12, Frances reminisced about her elementary school days in a one-room schoolhouse, as well as some momentous events in history that she had witnessed.

America In Bloom (AIB) Garden of The Month recipients for the month of August was presented to Bob and Caryn Clinger, residents of West Elm Street.
Pictured are the Clingers four children and Becky Ramey, AIB chair person.

When the AIB judges were visiting Bluffton in July, they took notice of the beautiful flowers and diversity of plants, along with the landscaping at the West. Elm Street residence. (Denise Fett photo)

The Clingers were presented with a certificate and gift card to Stratton's Greenhouses.


Elana Navarro (right), a Bluffton elementary student, and her cousin, Nathan Mosler of Ada, show off the candy they gathered from a pinata game. The two attended the Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival on Saturday. A kids' pinata game was part of the festival.

She is a certified activities director and also certified in CARES dementia training

Ever since graduating from Bluffton University with a degree in recreation management, Kristen Niekamp has been wanting to work with elders. 

A few years after college, she accepted the position of activities coordinator at Maple Crest Senior Living Village, and then worked as a companion at Mennonite Memorial Home before becoming an activities assistant. 

When MHCO opened Willow Ridge in 2012, she took the opportunity to be involved in the Green House Home model.  She has finally come to roost in Pandora as memory care coordinator at Hilty Home. 

Gardeners of the Bluffton Pandora Area will tour the Bluffton Community Gardens at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 4. The gardens are on South Main Street.

The tour is open to the public. For more information contact Pat Flinn at [email protected]. The club’s current newsletter, with additional club information, is attached at the bottom of this story.

Here's some photos from Jamie Nygaard

Jamie Nygaard spent some time at the Allen County Fair that closed in late August. She shares these photos of area residents.

• April Dorman won 2nd place for her Chicken Casserole

• Bob Holt and daughter Sarah (Holt) Lehman sheer Sarah's son's sheep

• Jacob and Eli Lehman getting their sheep ready to show

• Keri (Hilty) McCoy gets a Blue ribbon for her carrots

• Rachel (Holt) Terlecky helps her nephew, Eli Lehman clean his sheep

• Rebekah Hoff

• Vickie Hauenstein shows off her 2nd place dress she made
