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Public Meetings

Bluffton council committee meetings set

Several Bluffton council committees have meetings in April. Those meeting dates follow:

April 22 - Street and alley committee, 4 p.m.
April 22 - Safety service committee, 7:15 p.m.
April 22 - Finance committee, 7:30 p.m.
April 22 - Council meeting, 8 p.m.

Also, one council meeting in May was moved to a new date. The Monday, May 27, council meeting was moved to Tuesday, May 28, not to coflict with Memorial Day.


Three-year refuse and recycling contract accepted

Following the open session of Bluffton council on Monday, the council entered executive session to discuss contracts and pending litigation.

Following the executive session, council returned to open session. There is accepted the bid for refuse and recycling submitted by Republic Services for a new three-year contract, commencing June 1, 2013.

"There will be more information forthcoming on the contract and any changes that residents may expect," Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, told The Icon.


2013 pool staff hired, work on slide on the way

The 2013 Bluffton Community Swimming Pool season isn't here yet, but Bluffton council approved the pool employees on Monday. 

In additional swimming pool discussion, Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, informed council that Bob Neff is finalizing the recommendations and alternates for the work to be performed on the pool slide. Once all of the specifications are finalized the village will seek estimates from qualified contractors to have the work completed.

The 2013 pool staff follows:

Elizabeth Diller
($4,400 salary)


Four public meetings to discuss May 7 school levy renewal

The Committee for Better Schools is announcing four upcoming community levy informational meetings which will be held on the following dates:
• Tuesday, April 23; at 7 p.m. 
• Tuesday, April 30; at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. and
• Thursday, May 2; at 7 p.m..

All meetings will be held in the elementary library except for the 9 a.m. meeting on Tuesday, April 30, which will be held in the elementary school room 21.

These meetings concern the renewal of a one-half, percent income tax for permanent improvements, which will be on the ballot May 7.


Sidewalk letters will inform residents on east side of Main about May 1, 2014 deadline

Bluffton residents on the east side of Main Street will be receiving sidewalk letters in late May or early June in anticipation of a new sidewalk ordinance  currently passing its way through Bluffton council.

Once the ordinance is in effect home owners east of Main Street have until May 1, 2014, to install a sidewalk, which conforms to the design standards set by the ordiance.

After May 1, 2014, the village will contract the sidewalk and bill the home owner. Should the bill not be paid in 30 days, the amount will be accessed to the taxes for a seven-year period.


Village considers hiring Canine DNA On The Spot, dog excrement ID firm

In an effort to rid village sidewalks and other public sites of dog excrement, the Village of Bluffton is considering the hiring of Canine DNA On The Spot. The company, based in Cleveland, offers communities and park services with DNA animal excrement testing services.

According to the company website: “We assist municipalities and park services in matching animal excrement found on streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks and lawns, with the actual animal that deposited the excrement.”

