The Bluffton Community Swimming Pool was $28,066 in the red as of the end of September, according to information provided in this week's Bluffton council packet.
That figure was actually an improvement from the previous year. The attachment to this article reveals swimming pool revenue and expenses each year since 2004.
A special meeting with village officials and property owners of the North Dixie Highway annexation project is set for next week. According to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, the meeting is at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 22, in the third floor of the town hall.
He told Bluffton council members on Monday night that all property owners will receive notification of the meeting by certified mail.
Representatives from Allen County and Richland Township have been invited to the meeting.
The Bluffton Schools will hold a district-wide open house on Monday, Sept 13.
The elementary school will be open from 6 to 7 p.m., the middle school from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., and the high school from 7 to 8 p.m. Several community organizations will have booths set-up in the elementary gymnasium and information will be available on ways to provide support to the school and community.
Greg Denecker released first day of school enrollment information to The Icon. The total enrollment on the first day of the 2010-11 school year on Aug. 30 was 1,144 students.
Perhaps Bluffton needs a sign at the edge of town reading: "Buffton Schools - five consecutive years of perfect 100 percent in meeting each of the state report card indicators."
After all, other students, with state athletic titles do it. Let's brag about our achievements. Ours certainly rank among the best in the state.