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Where were you when Neil landed on the moon?

The Icon wants to know - send us your story

Where you were on July 20, 1969?

We all know where Neil Armstrong was – standing on the moon.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Neil Armstrong moon landing, the Icon invites viewers to submit accounts of where they were, and what they remember about the event.

Send your recollections - no matter how brief - to [email protected].

We will collect all the stories and post them on July 20.




About the 2019 planting season

Only 68% of intended corn acres and 46% of intended soybean acres planted in Ohio

Consistent rains across Ohio and the Corn Belt continue to delay planting progress as the June 17 USDA Planting Progress report showed that 68% of intended corn acres and 46% of intended soybean acres have been planted in Ohio. 

Nationwide, roughly 27 million acres of corn and soybeans will either be planted or filed under prevented planting insurance. 

Across Ohio, the Final Plant Date (FPD) for soybeans is June 20.  Soybeans can be planted after the FPD, but a one percent reduction in the insurance guarantee occurs. 


Go ahead, drink Bluffton water, it's fine

2018 EPA report finds no violations in village drinking water

Relax and take a drink of Bluffton water. It has EPA approval.

The Environmental Protection Agency found that the Village of Bluffton drinking water is in full compliance with its regulations.

Those regulations are established by the Ohio EPA Division of Drinking and Ground Water and the findings are based upon information released this week for 2018.

In other words, Bluffton water is safe to drink. No violations were found among the required quality tests conducted.


Ohio governor USDA disaster designation for Ohio farmers

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine today sent a letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Sonny Perdue requesting a USDA Secretarial disaster designation for Ohio amid heavy rainfall impacting Ohio farmers.

In his letter, Governor DeWine notes that record rainfall through the spring planting season has been devastating to Ohio farmers, with flooding and saturated fields preventing them from planting crops. Only 50 percent of Ohio’s corn crop and 32 percent of Ohio’s soybean crop have been planted as of June 10, 2019.


TT 1954

The Icon spotted TT 1954 on a black Honda CR-V in the parking lot of the Pandora Medical Center.


Mercy Health - St. Rita’s volunteers present check to medical center

Mercy Health - St. Rita’s Medical Center Volunteer/Auxiliary Resources president, Joyce Gerdeman, presented a check for $240,000 to Ronda Lehman, president of St. Rita’s, during St. Rita’s Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon recently. 

This donation was made on behalf of all St. Rita’s volunteers which includes 438 adults, 82 college students, 132 summer teen volunteers, 125 shadowing students and 209 supporting members. 275 volunteers were in attendance at the event.

