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January weather was a heat wave

If January's temperatures were reflected in the stock market, then 2012 should be a great year to buy stocks. Temperatures are rising.

Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, reports the following information about January weather.

Normal average January temperature: 23.7 degrees
January 2012 average temperature: 30.3

Normal average January precipitation: 2.04 inches
January 2012 precipitation: 3.16 inches

January 2012 snowfall: 12.1 inches (5.1 inches on Jan. 21)


BFR offers "longest loser competition" this winter

BFR will host a Longest Loser Competition this winter, according to Carole Enneking of BFR.

"The object of the competition is to lose weight slowly for the longest amount of time. Each person will weigh in weekly on the same day and you must lose 0.2 of a pound to stay in the competition," she said.

The competition winner will get a three-month membership to BFR. The fee to enter is $10 for non-member and $5 for members. If you have any questions call 419-358-4150 or email [email protected].


The Holy Ghost lives in Allen County

Here's a plate you don't see every day. The Icon spotted it in Lima. It's comforting to know that the Holy Ghost resides in Allen County.


These can't be January temperatures

Look at those temperatures. These can't be from January. Here's the seven-day weather report provided by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date High Low Prec

Jan. 24 33 26
Jan. 25 32 24 0.10
Jan. 26 35 31 0.57
Jan. 27 41 31 0.17
Jan. 28 36 29 0.01
Jan. 29 37 22 trace
Jan. 30 48 19


Henry Huber Scholarship committee accepting applications

The Henry P. Huber Scholarship committee is currently accepting applications for the 2012-2013 school year.

Applications may be acquired from the Guidance Counselor at Bluffton High School, the Superintendent's office in the Bluffton Elementary School and from the Citizens National Bank in Bluffton.

Applicants are required to submit with their application, whether a high school senior or currently enrolled in college, the most recent transcript of their academic program. Applications must be filed with the committee by May 25, 2012.


Icon expands viewer options with linkage to - university student-driven website

The Bluffton Icon begins a collaboration today with of Bluffton University. The venture greatly expands the news, features, photos and videos capabilities for both popular Internet sites.

This collaboration has been in the making for two years, and both online news sources are excited to see it finally coming together.

To assist Icon viewers' navigation of, a user guide is attached at the bottom of this story.

