Can you guess that it's April? Trace of snow one day; 65 degrees the next day. Here's the daily weather summary for the past seven days according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.
Bluffton Diamond Sports is busy this spring. A Mother's Day flower fundraising project is underway and ordering ends on Friday, April 15.
Flowers available for order:
o 10" hanging baskets for $15
o New Guinea Impatiens, Fuchsia, Zonal Geraniums, Ivy Geraniums, Petunias, Million Bells Combo 12" hanging baskets for $20
o Combo 10"Terra Cotta Planters for $20
o Combo 12" Terra Cotta Planters for $25
Charles Niswander and Phillip Kingsley presented ideas for a proposed Bluffton Heritage Center to an over-flow audience of 75 persons at Friday's Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast.