There's all sorts of stories in this plate. They involve, mathematics, Luther Shetler, 1951, and a professional association. For a concise explanation ask Duane Bollenbacher. It's his plate.
This one makes sense if you have a mind like Ropp Triplett. "TRIP C" as we understand it means "Triplett Car." Another plate, "TRIP V," therefore would mean "Triplett Van." Ropp claims this is the only way he can remember his license plate. In this system, we suppose TRIP B would mean Triplett Bus.
Bluffton Commmunity Preschool is currently registering students for the 2010-2011 school year.
"We have several openings in our 3-year-old class, which will be held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 12:15-2:45 p.m.," said Elisha Reineke, director.
"Families are welcome to check out our website at or may get more information by calling the school at 419-358-0268, she added.