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CNB offers chamber gift certificates

Can't think of the right gift to give someone for Christmas? Consider a Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce gift certificate.

Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce gift certificates are now available at Citizens National Bank. The certificates are actually checks from the chamber's account. The certificates make great Christmas gifts.


Friday Blaze auction open to public

Donation deadline noon Friday;
Blaze auction Friday night

Bluffton residents are invited to a big party to launch the 2009 Blaze of Lights. The party, open to the public, starts at 6 p.m., Friday, Nov. 20, at The Centre, 601 N. Main St.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and musical entertainment starts at 6 p.m. The party includes an auction, food, gingerbread house decorating contest and middle school art contest.

The event is free and open to the public.


A talking license plate


WANDA HI is the only vehicle we know that talks. It says hello to Wanda Pannabecker whenever she approaches her car.


MMAS staff celebrates

The staff, agents and board of the Mennonite Mutual Aid Society celebrated its holiday dinner on Nov. 11. Standing from left, Bethany Theis, Mark Lichtle, Keith Brauen, Joe Saltzman, Richard Jordan, Del Gratz and Jane Weaver.

Seated from left, Dawn King, Karen Warnecke, Larry Crates, Lawrence Matthews, Fred Steiner and Paul King. Absent: Jon Diller.


Pie and learning to let go

By Tanya Pike

I love pie.

I could go on about why - how it's the perfect marriage of crispy crust and sweet insides, about how it reminds me of my gramma's house, about how I once won a pie baking contest - but I'll spare you. I'll just leave it that I. LOVE. PIE!


Don't put your money where your mouth is

By Jason Cox

Find more of his views at his blog:

Welcome to the first installment of the new mini-blog, "Little Tip Big Money." (Please disregard the alternative meaning of the last two letters of my acronym - not intentional!)

