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School's out - it's a good time to catch up with Tim Closson

Story and photos by Emily Ulrey

As a parent, I find it important to know the adults in my children’s lives, both in and out of school. Few adults can drop off a child in the morning, or pick them up in the afternoon and not be aware of certain people, especially one wearing a safety vest.

It’s certainly a rare thing to not be familiar with who Tim Closson is, and I find myself extremely impressed and appreciative of his efforts to assist our children as they cross the intersection in front of the Elementary School building each day.


The game is on

The first shuffleboard match of the season took place earlier this week. The Bluffton Shuffleboard Club plays at the court at the Buckeye regularly throughout the summer for informal mixers on Mondays and Saturdays at 10 a.m., Thursdays at 4 p.m., and hosts several tournaments during the season. (Anne Steiner photo)

Red, white and you on Monday in Bluffton

The Bluffton American Legion Post #382  invite Bluffton residents to join in this year's event on Monday.


A Memorial Day parade will start from the Bluffton town hall. To be in the parade be at the town hall by 9:15 a.m. The parade will start at 9:30 a.m. 

Service at Maple Grove

The speaker for the memorial ceremony is Rev. John F. Stites, moderator of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Bluffton. He attended several graduate programs and graduated from the U.S. Army Chaplain School.


Introducing the 135th graduating class from Bluffton High School

Bluffton's oldest annual event - the Bluffton High School commencement - took place for the 135th time Saturday evening. Here is the Bluffton High School class of 2016. Watch the video below.



School is officially over!

Remember your last day of school when you were an elementary student? In case you forgot, watch this video.

Saturday's farmers' market offers several kid-friendly options

The Bluffton Farmers' Market will be especially kid friendly on Saturday, according to Greg Probst, market director.

At 9 a.m. will be a Bluffton Public LIbrary storytime at the market. In addition an area of the market will be open for young children to play and draw with chalk on the sidewalk.

The market is open from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the Citizens National Bank parking lot on South Main Street.

