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Weekend doctor: Seeing a psychiatrist

By Christian Steiner, MD
Psychiatric Center of Northwest Ohio
“Who sees a psychiatrist anyway?” This is a common question I have been asked by many different people outside of my office. Many times, this question is brought up to me in social situations where the topic of mental health arises in passing. I often forget that psychiatry has a stigma as every day I encounter people from all walks of life who are seeking professional help for an array of different issues.

Blowing out the candles on the 29th

Evan Frideger is one of two Bluffton students born on Feb. 29. Evan, a second grader, and Reagan Mittendorf, a BHS sophomore, talk about their leap year birthdays in a story on the home page. Click here to read that story.

They will blow out birthday candles on Feb. 29

Reagan Mittendorf, BHS sophomore, and Evan Frideger, second grader

Happy leap year. The Icon talked with two Bluffton school students, Reagan Mittendorf, a Bluffton HS sophomore, and Evan Frideger, a second grader, who celebrate Feb. 29 birthdays. Those interviews follow:

Click here to read her 2016 interview
Reagan Mittendorf will blow out either 4 or 16 candles on her birthday tomorrow.


Five Bluffton HS artists have works in Kewpee Exhibit

Nickolas Markowski • Danielle Novak • Sophie Bricker • Seth Gladwell • Kaitlyn Montgomery

Five Bluffton High School artists had works accepted in this winter’s Kewpee High School Invitational Exhibit. Two were award-winners in the show, which closes on Friday at ArtSpace/Lima, according to Vickie Garmon, high school art teacher.

Bluffton award winners follow:
• 3rd place painting awards, Danielle Novak, “Untitled
• 3rd place drawing awards, Nickolas Markowski, “Broken God”

Three other Bluffton art students had works accepted into the show. They are Seth Gladwell, Sophie Bricker and Kaitlyn Montgomery.


8 babies reported born in Bluffton Hospital this month

Eight babies were born at Bluffton Hospital for the month of February. Note, these only include those reported to the Icon.  

They are:
Feb. 1 – Wyatt Cole, son of Jordan and Taylor Barton

Feb. 3 – Evelyn Marie, daughter of Jordan and Emily Lehman, Findlay

Feb. 3 – Adalynn Kay, daughter of George and Shalen Moody, Beaverdam

Feb. 4 – Nixon Gray, son of Tylor and Jasmine Morman, Columbus Grove

Feb. 14 – Kaylum Jay, son of Timothy Harriger and Erin Donaldson, Columbus Grove

Denecker speaking at upcoming Lions club

Greg Denecker, superintendent, will speak to the Bluffton Lions Club on Tuesday, March 3, at noon, at town hall. He will be discussing the school district. Denecker is himself a lions club member.

The meeting will also include a 50/50 charity raffle drawing. As of the Feb. board meeting, 270 of 300 tickets were sold for this raffle.

Several additional Lions news items are part of the March club newsletter attached at the bottom of this story.

