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Time with Corrie Ten Boom Dec. 1

Susan Sandager will present Time with Corrie Ten Boom, Tuesday, Dec. 1, as part of Bluffton University's weekly Forum series. The presentation will be at 11 a.m. in Founders Hall. Time with Corrie Ten Boom is a drama based on a Christian woman who hid Jews in her home during World War II. The event is free and open to the public.

Friesen conducts drama workshop

Melissa Friesen, associate professor of theatre and communication, will present "Drama Techniques for Classroom and Civic Dialogue: A Participatory Workshop," at 4 p.m., Friday, Dec. 4, in Kreider Room in Marbeck Center, as part of Bluffton University's Friday Colloquium Series. The event is free and open to the public. Please note the change in location.

Next Bluffton blood drive Dec. 3

First Mennonite Church, Bluffton, will host an American Red Cross blood drive in December.

The drive is from noon to 6 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 3, at the church. Persons wanting more information may go to or call Karen Jantzi, Blood Services Director for Allen County at 419-227-5121.


Cutting out the middle man

By Jason Cox

Find more articles by Jason Cox on his blog at

The Internet has re-invented how we live in many ways - we send and receive mail instantly, we can read our news without the risk of a paper cut, and now we can borrow and lend money directly to each other.

While this may not be a novel idea (you still owe me $5, Jim), it is a novel idea to make peer to peer lending easy, legal, and with relatively low risk.


A Dog Story

By Tanya Pike
Author's Note: I have two dogs, Oliver and Samson - both mutts and both spoiled rotten. They find all kinds of ways to get into trouble on a regular basis.

"Hey Sammy," Oliver whispered. "Sam! Come over here! I got an idea!"

Oliver was standing next to the cover of the crawlspace that led under the house. The concrete patio was covered in mud and the sky was dripping rain. The door to the crawlspace had fallen open and Oliver had one eye on the pink insulation hiding inside there and the other eye on his brother Sam.


Young artist Sam McFarland

Say hello to Sam McFarland as he shares his recent art work with Icon viewers. Sam, the son of Tracy and John McFarland, is a pre-kindergarten student at the Bluffton Child Development Center.

