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Reframe the immigration conversation, Bluffton speaker suggests

Taking time to talk at Bluffton University~Ac^a'not^a"cs ~Ac^a'notA"Beyond Borders~Ac^a'not^A

The national conversation on immigration is stopped in its tracks by all the shouting and inflammatory rhetoric about the issue, Dr. M. Daniel Carroll Rodas told a Bluffton University audience March 19. But if people, particularly those of faith, start the conversation in a different place, the tone is different, too, he said.

15 minutes with Mary Steiner Iiames

Mary And her husband,  Jeff, with daughters, Brooklyn and Riley


I'm pretty sure you grew up in Bluffton. Did you always live in the house on Huber Street? What are your favorite memories of growing up in Bluffton? Favorite or least favorite classes in school, teachers, friends, etc.?


Which group performs at what time?

The Bluffton Music Boosters annual chicken barbecue is Friday, March 26, from 4 to 9 p.m. in the middle school. Pre-sale tickets are now on sale in the school offices. Tickets are $6.50 for either chicken or shrimp dinners. It is recommended to purchase tickets in advance.

Here is the musical schedule for the event:


Suprise cards for Pastor Renfrow

Suprise cards for Pastor Renfrow

Students from the Bluffton Child Development Center surprised Steve Renfrow, pastor of Bluffton Baptist Church, with "thank you cards" on March 25. Pastor Renfrow, a member of the BCDC board, came to know the children during his time as pastor of the local church.

Allen household hazardous waste collection May 8

Allen County will hold its household hazardous waste collection this spring, according to Nancy Benroth of Bluffton. The event is from 8 a.m. to noon, Saturday, May 8, at the Allen County fair grounds.


Steve Renfrow will become a missionary for Southern Baptists

When Steve Renfrow came to Bluffton in 1979 the Bluffton Baptist Chapel met on Sundays in the Shannon Theatre. The congregation was two years old at the time; its regular attendance was 12 in Sunday school and 13 in worship.

Today the congregation has its own building on County Line Road, is known as Bluffton Baptist Church and has an active congregation of around 100 members.

