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Skylar Scoles in the Lions den

2022 Bluffton High School graduate and Lions Club scholarship recipient Skylar Scoles was introduced to club members at their June meeting. She answered questions about her background and plans for the future, including attending OSU Lima.

What is the role of active transportation in your daily life?

The Lima/Allen County Regional Planning Commision (LACRPC) is still accepting submissions for the 2022 Active Transportation Plan Update Survey.

This is an opportunity to comment on the role walking, biking and even rollerblading in your life and how the region can make those activities easier and safer.

The Icon took the survey for a test drive: it's fast and easy. You do not need to do any homework; it takes just a few minutes.


FNB to host Firecracker Friday on July 1

On July 1, First National Bank will be hosting a Firecracker Friday event at 112 Cherry Street, the Bluffton branch parking lot.

They will be serving hotdogs, chips, drinks and more from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

The bank's community calendar is located at


CASA child advocate information session, June 30

CASA®, a program of Crime Victim Services, will hold an online Information Session on  how you can be a voice for a child in need.

  • 11:00 a.m.-noon, Thursday, June 30
  • Facebook Live @casaoflima

Those interested in participating or learning more about the 2022 Summer Training Class can learn about the role of a CASA/GAL.


June 21 Lions Club meeting included installation of new officers

On June 21, the Bluffton Lions Club meeting included meeting scholarship winner Skylar Scoles of Bluffton, a program by Bluffton University Athletic Director James Grandey and the installation of new officers for 2022-23:

President Jim Bemiller

Vice presidents
- John Rich
- Greg Denecker
- Gene Long

Secretary Barbara Plaugher

Treasurer Clair Winebar

Lion Tamer Corwin Croy

Tail Twister Dennis Morrison

Board Members
- Jerry Szabo
- Eugene McCall
- Tracy Steele
- John Hochstetler



Three degrees of separation

While it was stinking hot on June 21, 2022, we didn't quite reach the record high. reported that Bluffton reached 98 degrees yesterday, with the record high remaining 101 degrees.

