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Everything you wanted to know about starting seeds indoors

The Gardeners of Buffton/Pandora Area next meeting is Tuesday, March 9, at 6:30 p.m., at the Bluffton Public Library. The topics will be starting seed indoors for spring planting, and winter squash - easy to grow, easy to keep over winter. The program is open to the public.


BCE hosts free QuickBooks seminar March 4

QuickBooks and other bookkeeping software will be the subject of a free seminar hosted by Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs. The seminar is at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 4, in Centennial Hall Room 113, at Bluffton University, according to John Bauer, BCE director.


Ron Lora: Charles Darwin witnessed the 1835 Chilean earthquake

By Ron Lora

Saturday's earthquake in Chile is linked directly to the earthquake that Charles Darwin witnessed 175 years ago at the same geological fault. He was the sole scientist on H.M.S. Beagle, whose mission it was to complete a survey of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, and map the shores of Chile, Peru, and certain islands in the Pacific.

Was there ever an Old Blue 1?

OLD BLU 2 is, naturally, on a blue vehicle. We wonder if there was once an Old Blue 1. We spotted this plate in the Bren Dell parking lot.


A view of the east side of Main circa 1906

Main Street circa 1907


We recently showed you the west side of Main Street at the turn of an earlier century. Now we show you the east side from the same era. In this view, the photographer was standing in front of what today is Citizens National Bank, looking toward the town hall.

February was colder than your any month your grandfather remembers

If you thought February was colder and snowier than how your grandfather remembers winters, you are correct. According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, February 2010 will go down in the history book of weather as being one to forget.

The normal average temperature for February in our community is 27.3 degrees. This year's average February temperature was 24.6 degrees. The highest temperature reading of the month was 38 degrees on Feb. 21 and 28. The low was -2 on Feb. 8.

