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Probably an OSU grad

AG 98

What do you want to bet that AG is a '97 grad of Ohio State University?


1-12-10 School delay? The Rhino knows

1-12-10 School delay? The Rhino knows


Board moves ahead with levy renewal, requests delay of all-day kindergarten

Bluffton's school board reorganized for 2010 on Jan. 11. In so doing, the board set in motion the placement of the a three-year permanent improvement levy renewal to go on the May 4 ballot.

In other significant action, the board requested that the Ohio Department of Education delay implanting an all-day everyday kindergarten for the 2010-2011 school year.


Superintendent discusses kindergarten proposal; permanent improvement levy

By Greg Denecker
Bluffton Schools Superintendent

As we enter the new year, there are two topics that I would like to address in regard to Bluffton Exempted Village Schools. First, with the passage of House Bill 1 (HB1) last year, the state required school districts, starting 2010-2011, to offer all-day, every day kindergarten.


15 minutes with Lee Huber Johnson Williams

Lee Huber Johnson Williams

What year did you graduate from Bluffton High School? Did you attend Bluffton schools all of your school years? Where did you live?


Ghosts of the past

As is true for many outdoor sports enthusiasts, the snow, ice and chill of Ohio's winter has forced me indoors for my morning runs and walks. Running round and round on the local rec track isn't my preferred way to get in my miles, but I do love running in shorts and a tee shirt. To vary the scenery, I sometimes do my walk days at the elementary school where the halls are long and turns are less frequent than the track.

