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Spring Lake baptism

Amanda Stratton is baptized in a special service held by St. John Mennonite Church, Pandora, in Spring Lake on Aug. 1. With her on the left is Peter Diller and on the right is her father, Dave Stratton. Several St. John youth were baptized during the service. (Photo by Dr. Mark Yoder)

Trinity Lutheran back to school carnival Aug. 14

A Back-to-School Carnival will be held on the soccer field at Trinity Lutheran School, 105 Allen Street, Jenera, on Saturday Aug. 14 from 1-4 p.m. There will be games, a bounce-house, candy, prizes, food and fun for all ages. Everything is free and everyone is welcome! More information is at


Make me an offer

This was the scene in Bluffton and the Bluffton vicinity on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Friends of the Bluffton Public Library's community garage sale emptied closests and garages and basements. This garage sale was Dottie and Gene Long's at the corner of Vine and Jackson.

Krysti's Music Studio all-star cast performs at YFC fundraiser Aug. 14

Students from Krysti's Music Studio will be performing in the 3rd annual Performathon Fundraiser for Bluffton/ Pandora Youth for Christ/Campus Life.

Students will be performing Saturday, Aug. 14, from 8 a.m. until 1p.m. at the Campus Life building at 111 W. College Ave. Bluffton. The event is open to the public, and people can come and go as they like.


Not just another bean town

Wonder how many drivers in the Allen County seat have attempted to obtain this plate? First come, first served. The Icon spotted this on Main Street on Saturday.


Hello, Susan

One of the summer's most familiar wild flowers, Black-eyed Susans, are in full bloom in Bluffton. Officially known as Rudbeckia hirta, the flowering plant is an annual, and sometimes an biennial and even a perennial.
